Florene Kiwanis donates to group needs as well individuals who deserve special support and recognition
The Kiwanis vision is “Kiwanis will be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive.”
The following Florence Kiwanis Club involvement in these projects, categorized as Youth Services,” helps support that vision.
*Game of Life: a Reality Check for 8th Graders
The Kiwanis Club of Florence gives 8th graders a peek at their futures by hosting a reality experience in life.
Students are given a profession and the appropriate wages to start. Then they pass through a gauntlet of wage-depleting stations. Stations that include establishing savings accounts, purchasing or renting a residence, paying for utilities, buying a car. Are they married or single? How many children do they have? In situation after situation, they see their wages dwindle. Insurance. Clothing. Food. Entertainment. Health care. And….the unpredictable, sometimes ruthless, spinning Wheel of Life. Will they get positive results like winning the lottery or tax refunds? Or will it have costly consequences like medical costs or house repairs?
At the end of the one day experience, where do they stand?
The Kiwanis Club of Florence organizes this community wide event. With local professionals, business owners and volunteers all manning these stations, helping our young adults see the kinds of decisions they will have to make, and the consequences of those decisions, in their own Game of Life.
Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program (KDCCP) is a 501C3 non profit organization.
They are dedicated to ending children’s cancer through Kiwanis support of the Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Fellowship Program at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon.
Florence Kiwanis members raise funds at various events for this valuable OHSU fellowship.
*Kiwanis Rhody Kids Games
National Night-out Kids Games
*Kiwanis Very Merry Family Movie
*Sweet Dreams Pillowcase Project
Kiwanis members, the Florence Quilt Guild and other community members provide fun, colorful pillowcases for the children in OHSU, Doernbecher, the Shriners Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House
Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
Youth Services
The Kiwanis vision is “Kiwanis will be a positive influence in communities worldwide — so that one day, all children will wake up in communities that believe in them, nurture them and provide the support they need to thrive.”
The following Florence Kiwanis Club involvement in these projects, categorized as Youth Services,” helps support that vision.
*Game of Life: a Reality Check for 8th Graders
The Kiwanis Club of Florence gives 8th graders a peek at their futures by hosting a reality experience in life.
Video of volunteers and students during “Game of Life at Siuslaw Middle School”.
Students are given a profession and the appropriate wages to start. Then they pass through a gauntlet of wage-depleting stations. Stations that include establishing savings accounts, purchasing or renting a residence, paying for utilities, buying a car. Are they married or single? How many children do they have? In situation after situation, they see their wages dwindle. Insurance. Clothing. Food. Entertainment. Health care. And….the unpredictable, sometimes ruthless, spinning Wheel of Life. Will they get positive results like winning the lottery or tax refunds? Or will it have costly consequences like medical costs or house repairs?
At the end of the one day experience, where do they stand?
The Kiwanis Club of Florence organizes this community wide event. With local professionals, business owners and volunteers all manning these stations, helping our young adults see the kinds of decisions they will have to make, and the consequences of those decisions, in their own Game of Life.
Kiwanis Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program (KDCCP) is a 501C3 non profit organization.
They are dedicated to ending children’s cancer through Kiwanis support of the Pediatric Hematology / Oncology Fellowship Program at OHSU Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon.
Florence Kiwanis members raise funds at various events for this valuable OHSU fellowship.
*Kiwanis Rhody Kids Games
National Night-out Kids Games
*Kiwanis Very Merry Family Movie
*Sweet Dreams Pillowcase Project
Kiwanis members, the Florence Quilt Guild and other community members provide fun, colorful pillowcases for the children in OHSU, Doernbecher, the Shriners Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House
Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
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Kiwanis Noon Meeting
Kiwanis Noon Meeting
Kiwanis Noon Meeting
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Kiwanis Noon Meeting
Kiwanis Noon Meeting
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