Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner

The 2024 Annual Thanksgiving Community dinner is being served at the Florence Elk’s Lodge on Thanksgiving day, November 28th. The dinner is free to all, though donations are graciously accepted. The event is co-hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Florence and the Florence Elks Lodge. We need over 50 community volunteers to make this event possible, including people to setup and prep the meals, serve and buss tables, and of course wash dishes. You can volunteer for any of these tasks by signing up on the form below. Our team will followup with you on more specifics as we get closer to the date. If you have questions, use the questions box at the bottom of the form. Thank you!!

Thanksgiving Volunteer Signups

Sgnup for a particular volunteer slot by using the drop down arrow on the right of the description. After Selection, please scroll to the bottom of the form and click on the “Signup Today” button.

Volunteer activies for Wednesday
Volunteer activies for Wednesday
Volunteer activies for Wednesday
Meet and Greet Guests at the door
Check-in Volunteers when they arrive
Serve meals to guests at tables
Prepare plates to serve to guests at tables
Makes regular and decaf coffee in urns and pour into carafes for each table
Buss tables after guests finish meals
Collect and wash dishes from Main room bussing table.
Setup tables with rolls, juice, water & pies
